Friday, February 06, 2009

Shopping and Laundry 2-6-09

Larry got up and headed out for his walk. I got up and did Shred 2. The breeze was out of the south again today…nice. After our wheat muffin with peanut butter we walked over for the coffee group…everyone was at Dave’s. We had a nice visit.

Then we left for home and our busy day. We loaded the laundry and the empty water bottles in the truck. Then we stopped at the water filling station and got the bottles filled up. Then it was on down to the Arizona Market Place. Crowded today. We bought a Queen sheet set of 700 thread count with 4 pillow cases for 18.50. I also bought some pumpkin and sunflower seeds and a book store is closing on Sunday so all their books were 1.00 and I bought 2 of those. Then we found the shop that we could get new yellow lens caps for our trailer lights and looked for the knob we need, which we couldn’t find today. Larry found a new belt for $5 and I think that was it.

Then it was on into Yuma to Walmart to get the things that I had been compiling on my list. It is much easier to shop here then the new store in the Foothills which is always crazy packed with people. There was a lot of traffic getting back, but once we got midway between the market place and home it thinned out a bit.

On our way back into the park we stopped and got our laundry going and then drove on to the trailer and got everything put away. Then it was a matter of eating and finishing the laundry. That was our busy day. The wind came up later, but not as bad as was predicted. The high was 74 and the low was 52.

I forgot to mention yesterday that for the first time in over 4 years we saw diesel below gas prices...woo hoo...not far enough of course. Diesel was $1.89 yesterday.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...