Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another warm, sunshiney day 2-25

I forgot to mention that yesterday we had done one of our old one hour Yoga videos that we haven't done in awhile. Amazing how fast your flexibility can go south when you don't keep up with the stretching! So this morning doing my Shred was surprisingly painful, muscles I had forgotten about were protesting the lifting of weights. Oh well, needs to be done. Larry did his laps again, and sadly is wearing out another pair of shoes.

It was another beautiful warm day, with just the right amount of breeze. Our big project for the day was we each had a box of stuff to pack and get in the mail and after we did that Larry took them to the Post Office and got in the long line to get them mailed off.

After he got back he grilled the chicken breasts I had marinating and the zucchini and with a salad we had a lovely dinner. Later we went to the DQ for a little dessert...yum. Then we sauntered around the park as it became dark and admired the pretty patio lights that some of the people down here have.

It got all the way up to 84 today and the low was 59...nice, sleeping with the windows open in February! Oh I wanted to mention that diesel was $1.74 and gas was $2.03 today...nice. I should clarify that these prices are at the Flying J right down the street here from us and of course the stations in town are higher.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...