Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Busy Day 2-21

Larry got up for his walk…I threatened to stay in bed until he got back…I was really tempted…I was in the doldrums again…dislike it immensely. So I got up, decided not to workout…big surprise, washed my hair and put on some of my music. So after Larry got back we decided to go to coffee (I wanted to get out of my shell)…it was the Nelson’s at Jim and Dorothy’s, oh, met J& D’s daughter Lori whose daughter is the one who just married and Ed’s Marilyn was there. Later Stan and Maxine came over. I took my photo book over to share.

After we got back Larry was wanting to do something so he decided to go to the Foothills to look up Dwayne and Joe and Becky. I opted not to go…just feeling a bit moody (didn’t want to inflict that on friends) and I had things to work on here. After he got home we had dinner…leftover roast…yum.

I decided we should run to the AZMarketPlace, I wanted to look for a couple of books and a gift or two. Found exactly what I needed, it only took 37 minutes, and I found a lovely new bag…for either my knitting or a purse, though I don’t carry but the bare essentials in my little purse. The MP closes at four, but we like going just before closing because the crowds have thinned by then so we usually go after two.

We noticed as we drove back in that a Mardi Gras float had been finished so we knew the parade was soon to start, so after we got home we went over to Stan and Neil’s to see if they knew when and where. While we were trying to figure it out someone came by and told us they were starting at four and were going around the outside edge. Woo Hoo we were on the parade route! So everyone came over to our “place” and set up chairs so we could watch the parade. There were three entries and it took about 5 minutes to go past us! The people were having fun and we had fun watching them and catching our beads and candy.

We were on a roll and the wind wasn’t too bad so we decided to cut Larry’s hair. He is lucky I didn’t zip an ear…there were a couple of un-named Canadians on bikes heckling on their way past. But his hair turned out fine…I’m sure I’ll have a couple of things to fix tomorrow...I usually find something that needs fixing. It can’t be all bad…after his last haircut he was on his walk and someone drove past him, stopped and backed up to ask him where he gets his hair cut…the man couldn’t find anyone to cut hair like that and the guy was very disappointed when he found that Larry’s barber is his wife. It has finally gotten easier to do after three years of cutting it.

After the shearing we just sat outside and enjoyed the last of the sunshine. I edited and blogged the parade and watched the clouds spiral around over head while Larry read his latest paperback adventure.

I figured you have been missing scarf pictures so here are a few of the latest creations!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...