Larry was gone a lot longer today because he stopped up at the clubhouse to attend a meeting of park residents and the owners and management. I had showered and had my peanut buttered whole wheat english muffin before he returned. He of course had quite a few stories to tell, but bottom line was there are a lot of inconsistencies in the way this park is run and the owners just talked and distracted the people away from the issues...classic politics. Their justification for not doing upgrades to important things like phone systems, cable etc. was this is the best park around and everyone should just be happy to be here (my summation of what I was hearing)...their answer was they would look into it.

We went over to Lawrence and Gwens to help them with a problem they were having with the computer. They are from Saskatchewan way over on the eastern edge of the Province. It takes them three days of hard driving to get here to Yuma. After they finished getting the computer whipped back in shape Lawrence and Larry went off to watch model airplanes. I don't know what I did all day...the day just kind of slipped away from me.
Today winter paradise got a nice cleaning. We had rain off and on all day from about ten a.m. on. It poured rain several times to the point that little rivers started flowing all over the place. Then when the rain stopped after a short time they were dried up and gone. Sadly our stupid window over the table started leaking again. Larry will be pulling
the window out and resealing it before we leave Yuma. The problem with a moving house, caulkings bake in the sun and then twist and pull rattling down the road.

The high today was only 61 and then after dark it got colder than this morning's low. I think we'll be firing up the electric blanket tonight!
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