Thursday, February 05, 2009

Los Algodones Shopping & Fun 2-5-09

Today’s low was 50, and the high was 81. The wind was coming out of the south today…very unusual.

We got ourselves up and moving…our ride was due to arrive at 9:30. We had tried to go to Mexico with Mike and Pat the last time we were down here, but the day we went there was a VERY long line of traffic just getting off the freeway exit to Los Algodones and we just decided to turn around. I can’t remember what was going on or if that was normal, but we decided waiting in lines all day wasn’t what we really wanted to do then.

So anyway we hit the parking lot on the American side at 10 and walked over. It isn’t as crowded down there this year, at least today it wasn’t. Mike being of Mexican descent speaks Spanish which is useful and Pat knows the ropes really well so we had great tour guides! Pat led the way and plowed us through all the hawkers to their favorite Purple Pharmacy where we stocked up on medications for a disgusting fraction of what one pays in the U.S. I think it is criminal what our drug companies charge! I wonder why we never hear about their profits like we do for the oil companies.

Then we did a little browsing…I wanted a Mexican blanket, which I found and then it was off to our Cousins’ favorite restaurant, El Rancherita. It was the CLEANEST restaurant I think I have ever been in, which would surprise most people I think…AND the bathroom was cleaner than even some homes I’ve been in too! I’ve never seen a cleaner public bathroom…EVER. Amazing. The food was great and after horrible twisting of our arms we joined Pat in having a Margarita…we figure, when in Rome, I mean Mexico….how could we not! The national drink!? Mike had this very small beer. The food was really good and so were the Margaritas….I hardly ever drink alcohol…the occasional glass of wine with family or friends, so one Margarita is about my limit, but I think someone refilled my glass, I was fine, not tipsy, but fine.

After lunch we had one more stop to make and then it was off to the Customs line. My cousin knows her stuff, we got into the line by the bathrooms next to the Colorado River and she said it would be about an hour and she was almost dead on. You get to know the people in line with you. They have shade cloths up and benches along the way which makes it nice. You get to shop too because while in line you are a captive audience and the Mexican men and women walk up and down the line trying to convince you to buy one more thing! Mike bought a crazy welcome statue of three frogs stacked up holding the welcome sign, its made out of resin or painted clay…I’m not sure which…I didn’t get a picture darn it. Apparently it was a price Mike couldn’t refuse. Pat and Larry were trying to say frog in Spanish with Mike…it is la rana, but in my wise way I piped up and said el froggo worked for me. Cracked them up…I have my moments.

Well, Larry is engaged in conversation with the couple behind us. I spot a young man heading for the line with a large metal sun wall hanging…I have been wanting one but didn’t look too hard for one while in the shops. Pat says ask what he wants for it…I hesitated, so she asked and he said 120 dollars…Pat said nooo, too much,…thirty, she says. The guy almost fell over…no, no, no…he started telling us all about it…blah, blah, blah, and then he said 80 dollars. We said no, too much, so he asked what do we want to pay and Pat said 50…he said no, so we said okay and turned our backs on him…told him too much, but he reached out and touched Pat’s arm to get her attention and she said no, no, it was up to me, so he asked me what do I want to pay….he still didn’t like 50, so I said 60 and he said okay. It all took longer than my telling it but you get the picture.

It is really pretty and there are sun ray line cut outs in the center and there is a glass face off centered and there is a light fixture in it so when plugged in it will light up, it is about 30 inches across; so I get out my 60 bucks and pay the man and then tap Larry on the arm and say, hold this please! He was oblivious to the whole transaction being in conversation with the couple behind us, so he was surprised to be the holder of the sun! It was funny. Later on the guy found us in line and tried to trade me for a different sun…Pat figures I got a good deal…I bet the one he was trying to trade me didn’t have the light fixture. I am really happy with my purchase; it is well made and very pretty.

We talked to the K9 customs guy…he was really nice and his dog was from Czechoslovakia, a beautiful German Shepherd…it is neat watching those dogs work and they love working. The dog would get a little impatient with his handler for standing still too long.

Once we got up to the customs room we zipped right through, all three counters were open. Larry got held up, but the guy was admiring the sun and asking Larry what he paid for it…funny. On to our car and back home. We were back by 2:30.

Then it was siesta time…full tummies and margaritas….sleepy! It was another warm day, but after we got home the wind started kicking up, but still from the south, so we were able to keep our door open in spite of the wind. After our little snooze Larry went outside and I got busy on the computer with emails and getting this entry written before I poop out for the day.

One of our Albertan friends came by on his bicycle, Jim Stewart and he sat and visited with Larry for awhile. Larry loves getting their opinions of their government versus ours and learning more about their government and their countries issues. Most all in this group we have gotten to know are farmers so it is also interesting learning about an industry that we really haven’t had much contact with in our lives. We’ve learned a lot about grains, fertilizers, harvesting, cattle, planting and it is all fascinating to us.

Jim left just around sunset and I was still composing, but we decided it would be good to take a little walk, which we did…the breeze and the sun having set made it cool. Our weather is supposed to start turning tomorrow and we have a chance of rain on the weekend. It is just after seven and I am about finished with this entry. Now I just have to download the camera, edit the photos and then get this all uploaded. I’m glad I started early or you would have gotten the abbreviated, I’ve forgotten everything, I’m too tired version….LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of all 4 of you as well as the one of my dad, holding a beer! Hmmm....we NEVER see that! EVER! Good to see you guys are doing well!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...