Sunday, February 08, 2009

Cool day 2-8-09

Today's low was a chilly 46 and the high was a whopping 64. The sun was out, but by late afternoon the clouds were scudding through again and now...late evening the wind is kicking up pretty good.

It was a slow motion day for me I'm moving slower than time is actually passing. But oh well, so I was just getting dressed after doing my morning Shred around ten a.m. At least I did my exercises, but with the high humidity it took a lot longer to cool down etc. After that the day just slipped away.

We headed over to the local pizza joint at 3:30 to join Pat and Mike and friends for their leaving Yuma for another year gathering. The eight of us had an enjoyable time grazing through all the food put before us. Pat and Mike are pulling out early tomorrow and heading for California. We'll hook up with them again in Nevada some time this spring after we all get done gallivanting around all over the place. They live about an hour and a half from us.

After we got back from our food fest we took a little walk, ran into a few friends along the way and got back before was really cooling off. The moon was up and looking pretty full already.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...