Monday, February 23, 2009

The Mall & 80's 2-23

We had a lovely warm-up today. The high was 83 and the low was 58 and no wind.

Larry went off on his walk and I got busy on Ruby (my red computer) to get yesterday's blog posted. I had all the components ready from last night, I just started over getting them all uploaded and posted and it all went pretty quickly and with no problems. These programs just seem to get gremlins in them and they always rear their ugly heads when I want to get something done quickly.

We went off to find where the Canadians were roosting for coffee and they were at Clay and Lynn's this morning and we were gifted with fresh squeezed orange juice...yum! We had a nice visit as always and then it was back home for toast and peanut butter. It was already heating up nicely too.

After breakfast we headed to The Palms...Yuma's mall. We shipped a box, and then I got some shopping done at Joann's and Kohl's and then we went for dinner/lunch at Famous Daves BBQ. It was pretty good though Larry felt his ribs were a little dry, my brisquit was great and their sides were like homemade...then it was off to Walmart for the boring necessities of life...deodorant, toothpaste, food...boring.

We took an easier route to Walmart from the Mall today. Walmart was like a tomb, very unusual down here this time of year, but mostly locals shop the one we went to today and the "snowbirds" crowd the new one closer to their winter homes. It was almost 4:30 when we got back home and it was still and toasty. A teeny breeze would have been nice, just teeny though...anything bigger I would have complained about...laugh.

The rest of the evening we sat outside and enjoyed the summerlike weather and here it is almost bedtime, 10:30 and we still have the door and windows open.

1 comment:

~Andrea~ said...

"summerlike weather"
I'M JEALOUS!!! I'm catchin the next flight outta know, with all that spare money that I have lying around. :-)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...