Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunny Day 2-22

Last night we could hear an owl hooting outside...from inside it sounded close.  Being dark I knew I wouldn't be able to see it, but I went outside to see if I could place where it might be.  Well, hearing it outside was different than through the windows/walls of the house....it wasn't as close as I thought and sounded like it was about 6 feet tall....the hooting was big and loud sounding and off in the distance I could hear an answering hoot.  Now I really want to see this giant owl! :)

Today turned out to be a nice sunny day with very little of that cold breeze.  I decided a walk was in order...I'm feeling somewhat better and with bad weather coming again we needed to get while the getting was good.

I worked some more on my painting today.  I am always surprised at how long they take....I am never satisfied and keep layering in more color...then I decided to wash some of the color off with the spray bottle over the sink...that wasn't as scary as it sounds and I didn't ruin the whole thing...yet :)

Not much else going on here!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...