Sunny today so had to take it while it is here...turning back to rain on Monday for a week or so. Larry painted another coat of stain on the deck where it was needed and then worked on the trenches and figuring out the watering system for the garden. We are trying to use what is there and make it work for what we want to do, so Larry is reworking and rerouting is an automatic system and Larry doesn't want to start from scratch and have to trench all the way to the house for wiring etc., so we are dealing with the zones that are part of the system and putting in faucets where we want them...that kind of thing.
I pruned a bush on the back side of the house, shaping it up, cleaned up all around it and then after I took the cuttings up to the pile Larry told me he had sprayed the bush with weed I wasted time beautifying a dead plant...thanks Larry. I guess it'll look nice while its dieing.

I spent time making a lovely vegetarian dinner. Spaghetti squash baked, a vegetable tomato wine sauce that I put on the squash after I shredded it, topped with grated Mozarella cheese and then put back in the oven until the cheese melted, in its shell...YUMMY! I also cooked kale for the first time and alone we didn't love it, but mixed in with the spaghetti squash and sauce it was good.
I had a nice visit with Michelle on the phone today and even Seth called back later to talk to us for awhile...that little twit never wants to talk on the phone, but I guess he figured he had better suck it up if he is coming to visit us for his Spring Break, :).
Here are more of last nights color show:
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