Sunday, February 20, 2011

More from yesterday 2-20

Jeez, I was in bed for like eleven hours...we went to bed early...I was awake about every hour and then after Larry got up around 7 I fell back to sleep for two hours.  I am fighting a germ that got past my defenses, so needless to say I didn't do much today besides lay around, walk around, drink tea and eat home made chicken soup.

It had gotten below freezing last night and everything was frozen until the sun thawed it all out.  It was mostly sunny today but there were clouds skidding through.  Larry worked on finishing the irrigation project out in the garden.

Here are more pictures from yesterday.
the ponderosa pines above the house

the "back"

Ian playing with the snow

Ian and his stunning work of art

Andrea had me take this, rose on snow
This was my favorite view, if I had been
feeling better I might have been more creative

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...