Friday, February 25, 2011

Storm's Done 2-25

Another big wind/rain event.  By 10 p.m. last night we had gotten an inch of rain.  It was very windy most of the night and rained quite heavy off and on.  After 7 a.m. it rained heavy and we had gusty winds until after noon.  It turned to snow before it stopped but nothing like we got last weekend.  We got 2 3/8 inches of rain in like twenty hours.  The air was cold and unsettled the rest of the afternoon and once it snowed and thundered...those two never seem to go together.  We even had a hail storm...mostly pea sized with marbles thrown in and about an hour before dark the sun actually came out.

I never accomplish much during these big storms, I just go from window to window and watch the show.  The birds and deer still forage and the hummingbird manages to not get dropped by pounding rain and it is amazing that the trees don't become leafless sticks...the leaves manage to stay on during the forceful gusts of wind.

During my guided meditation this morning I was supposed to arrive at a cottage and open the cottage door to enter the cottage.  As I open the door I get caught up in whether the door should open in or open out...jeez, even in my head I can't just go with the flow, I have to figure out the now this stupid door is just swinging back and forth and I invisioned myself stuck in the door...which cracked me up, so I mentally stepped back and just blew the sucker up...the door, not the cottage.  Then I was so amused my meditation just wasn't going to happen.  Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow....:)  Between now and then I'll have to decide which way the door will swing!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...