Monday, July 26, 2010

A work day 7-26

Yesterday we went up to Greenville to pick up the Camper and Comm trailer and we are also borrowing a utility trailer so I towed that back. My tow subject was easier than Larry's! On our way I got a second chance to get a photo of the flower filled meadow. From this direction and time of day it didn't seem as diverse but it was still pretty.

I snapped this picture of Larry's rigs while moving on down the road.

So now our place looks like a trailer/truck lot.

We were up early, Larry got a head start and we got up all the lock and click tile flooring. I mostly carried all the piles out onto the deck, they were heavy. Then I got all the underlayment all folded up and piled on the deck. Quite a lot of it slipped apart with lots of effort and didn't break and there is a couple rooms worth of it so Habitat for Humanity is going to come pick it up and reuse it somewhere.

I swept up the piles of dirt from all the rooms and Larry went around and pulled out the multitudinous screws, hooks and nails all over the place. He also got the new door knobs and deadbolts in with quite a bit of work. It was a really long day, but it was cooler which made it a little easier. Oh I also gently got all the tile popped off around the bathroom sink and Larry got the ugly countertop off and out of there. Now we just have to get the huge mirror out of there.

The cabinet refacers came for their final measurements and happily they will be installing in two weeks. Everything else...flooring and appliances will have to wait until the cabinets are done. We'll get all the prep and painting done in the meantime. Larry is feeling a lot of pressure to get as much done as he can before he gets called out on a fire. It always works out worries.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...