Thursday, July 01, 2010

July already!? 7-1

I am much better today, as close to normal as I am likely to get.

Braved Walmart on the first of the month…it wasn’t as bad as expected. I told Larry there are at least 30 days in the month…why, why, why do we always seem to need to go shopping on the 1st or the 15th? Weird. Got the laundry done too…woo hoo, almost can’t stand all this work…ha ha.

We are in Ukiah eating dirt. They have the center all torn up putting in more RV hookups…this place is already the most expensive fairgrounds we have stayed at anywhere across the country and more than some RV parks we’ve been at…AND we are in weeds that never get cut and in the rain we have to wade through the puddles. There is nowhere else to stay within 40-50 miles (that we would want to stay at) so they know they are the only game in town and Larry keeps saying that he knows as soon as these sites are finished this place is going to raise their prices again. I’d like to think no, they will be getting more revenue from the additional spaces, but Larry is usually right. Oh, it is $28 a night here before any discounts, it was $20 in Antioch and it was blacktopped and had Wi-fi. We have memberships to a couple different places so we get 10-15% off.

Our other beef with Ukiah is their choice of radio stations…you get to choose between weird and country. We listened to country in the 80’s when popular music got weird and it wasn’t bad for a few years…Alabama was big then, Oak Ridge Boys, the Judds, Dolly Parton, Reba McIntyre and it wasn’t all whiny. Then we had to quit because we were getting depressed and we realized it was depressing us listening to the lyrics in country music…most whine about how bad life is or how terrible their man or woman is…so here we are in Ukiah, listening out of desperation to country music…ew.

I would be happy listening to my instrumental or “new age” music but Larry’s eyes roll back into his head and he starts snoring…so I usually wait until he’s going to be outside for awhile…;) The bagpipes would certainly wake him up, but I just realized that back when we got rid of all our records I never got any CD’s of Scottish music…hmmmm?! I am going to have to rectify that one of these days. He says bagpipes sound like cats squalling…and I say they sound more musical than pounding on a coconut with a stick!

Here is the progress I have made on the afghan I tore out last week. It is much better, larger and softer...the first version could stand up by itself the stitches were so dense. I am making this for a friend that I always share whatever project I am currently working on...she always says, "and wouldn't it look just lovely here"....and this time I said, why yes I think so too, it is where I figured it would fit the best...ha ha.


Juanita said...

So glad you got over the yuckies, Val! I can relate to feeling 'as near normal as possible'.

The afghan is beautiful...I think it would look nice here, too.... (smile)

Hope you enjoy your time in Ukiah, I'm sure you will in spite of the construction, bad radio, etc!

Valerie Moniz said...

Well yes there are several reasons we enjoy Ukiah! This cutie baby Connor, Ian, oh...and the kids parents too and other extended family and important people :)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...