We stopped at our favorite curb in Clearlake Oaks to have our toast and bathroom break. I noticed the passenger side rear trailer tire looked low. Had Larry check it...lots of times it is just the way we are parked and one tire takes a bit more weight, but he agreed and when he knealt down he could hear air hissing out. He leaned in around the mud flap to see what we picked up and he was very surprised to see this lovely seperation beginning on the inside of the tire. Well we were very grateful we found it while stopped. When that rubber rips off it can tear the crap out of the bottom or side of a trailer or motorhome before it breaks completely loose. It took less than a half hour from start to finish...blocking it up, changing and then adding some air to the spare with our handy dandy little air compressor.
I picked up some garbage while Larry changed the tire...I can not believe people, we had our toast and then on the road again.
We took 20 over to 70 to Quincy. I love the Feather River canyon. The first part we are so high above the river and then the big rocks that have been smoothed by eons of water the closer we get to Quincy, the bridges, tunnels, trees and wild flowers.....stunning scenery.

I don't know what time we got to Quincy...but it was about 10 degrees hotter than predicted and was hot when we arrived around four I think.
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