Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day 7-4

Happy 234th Birthday America!
We didn't do much today. We walked over to the hospital to see Mom, she was up walking twice yesterday and they hope to get her going four times today. She wasn't feeling to good today, but to be expected. We just spent the day relaxing.

This first fireworks picture I took from the Lake Almanor Lake shore in 1991. I was big into photography in the early 90's, tripods, lenses, filters...the whole nine yards.

These next three were taken from the top of Dyer Mountain above the lake. With the tripod and long exposure the boat lights and stars are very visible. In the last firework picture that is Mount Lassen against the darkening sky.

These lovely moonscape pictures were taken on July 4th 2005...that is all pumice and obsidian at the Newberry flow in Oregon south of Bend.

Then we went to the top of Paulina Peak and those are the Sisters off in the distance of the second picture.

I had this lovely bowl of red, white and blue petunias in 05 too. I carted them around for a couple of months. I hope everyone had a great day doing whatever made you happy!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...