Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another 340 miles 7-28

Here is a shot of where our home is right now...behind our future home. It is our house, but not our home...yet.

Today was long and on the road again. We left around 0800 and got back around 1830 hours (6:30). It was up to Fallon...170 miles one way to get the washer and dryer, tools, wheelbarrow and because we had room our little 3 piece patio set. It was 95 and HOT, I kept diving into the shade while Larry adjusted stuff, he is an excellent packer/rope tie-er. If it was metal and in the sun too long we had to use gloves to pick it up....I think it was around one or two when we were there. We had to dig around a bit to find what we were looking for, but it wasn't too bad, we labeled things pretty well.

We had stopped at the Walmart in Fernley on our way to Fallon to get paint supplies and a microwave. I also picked up two gigantic flower pots and potting soil...
I probably won't get around to doing anything with them for a few weeks, but I have learned from experience...if you wait too long into August for gardening stuff, it is being fazed out for the fall/holiday stuff. You can get great sales of course, but you also can't find what you want sometimes. It was a long day but had to be done. All this traveling, planning, shopping etc., takes a lot of time from the prepping and painting we want to get on with. We still have to make a decision on flooring so it can get ordered...laminate, vinyl, carpet...decisions, decisions! I think we've settled on a paint color for the main part of the house..finally.

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