Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Haning out with the kids 7-13

I don't know what I am still doing up. I was wide awake at 0400 again this morning with nary a doze until I got up....drives me nuts. We had a nice walk, I picked up a lovely coffee along the way and went a little bit farther than usual...I am finally seeing some weight move off this frame so I need to keep it going!

We had a lot of stuff we were taking care of this morning and then we headed down to Andrea's with a side trip to one of my favorite gift shops in this town. We picked up Ian at his Dad's and then spent the rest of the afternoon hanging with the kids at Andrea's.

When we got there Connor was just hanging out...you could tell he had been like that for a bit and was quite comfortable...silly kid.
Connor loves sitting with Ian.

The many faces of Connor.

These last two....I love their similar expressions...Connor is watching Ian's Wii game on the large T.V. and Ian is playing the game. Connor is learning and I imagine as soon as someone lets him get hold of the remote and he gets the motor control he is going to kick his brother's butt....ha ha.

We all had a lovely dinner out together and after some more visiting we were back home.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...