Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today was just a frustrating slow day. Whom ever took my energy, GIVE it BACK. Neither one of us can believe how tired we are and how soon we are done for the day. We are both in agreement that we don't ever want a house that requires this much work EVER again. I may never move from here...OR at the very least someone remind me to look at the date of birth on my drivers license if we look at anything that requires a "little" TLC....ha ha ha!

This evening we got to see the deer parade. One doe with a yearling that had little nubs on his head and later another doe with a fawn in spots. They are so pretty that it is hard to believe that when I get my flowers and garden in I will be thinking of ways to kill them...:-).

Habitat for Humanity came and picked up all the floor tile, the kitchen cabinet doors and a bathroom sink/faucet combo. I'm glad we didn't have to just throw it all away when someone might be able to use it.


Juanita said...

Energy, I realize more and more what a precious commodity it is!! This last move of mine was a killer, too....and I'm not really settled in as of yet. So, I can appreciate your 'pain'.

However, it seems that you are making huge progress!

It sounds like your plans are coming along well....hang in there!!


Valerie Moniz said...

Thanks Juanita. Sounds like you had a lovely vacation! I have yet to see Yellowstone and I am sure it is a must see, like the Grand Canyon or Glacier National of these days...:)
You'll have all winter to get settled! Look forward to seeing some of your projects posted too! Thanks for the pep talk!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...