Thursday, October 26, 2006

Leaving the Grand Canyon 10-26

This mornings low was 31. Hard to believe, but we were actually happy about that, because it wasn’t 16 like had been predicted! It was still darn cold. We headed out before 8:30. We headed east on out of Grand Canyon Natl. Park. It took us about an hour and a half because we had to keep stopping at the overlooks. Today was cloudless, but cold and windy. A couple of times I think we were close to frost-bite! So today you get to see the sunny Grand Canyon.

We headed north on highway 89 and then headed westerly on alternate 89. The scenery was stunning. The Vermillion cliffs were gorgeous and all the different striated colors. By the time we landed today we were on scenery overload and my camera hand was getting tired! I took another 165 pictures today, thank God for digital is all I can say! We went from desert to pine forested mountains. There was a dusting of snow on the ground up there. Then back to sage and grass covered desert with lovely red mesas and cliffs off in the distance. We landed around 2:30 after going 203 miles. We are in Fredonia, AZ. We’ll be here two nights. Tomorrow is Zion National Park, gotta get our mileage out of our park pass! Lots more pictures!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...