Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Grand Canyon Walk 10-25

I have to make this quick. We are supposed to get into the teens tonight so Larry will be putting the satellite dish away tonight so he won’t have to freeze his hiney off doing it in the morning.

We just got back from our day on the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Glad we had our winter coats! We waited until the fog lifted. It was still pretty cloudy but it made the pictures so interesting. As we kept walking west the clouds got more and more threatening. We saw some lightning and heard rumbling, we were hoping it would just keep moving past us, but the wind came up and it got colder and we hopped onto the tram just in time. It poured, hailed and then snowed. By the time we got back to the west village it had stopped, but was extremely cold!

We decided to walk back home instead of hopping the village tram. We are soooo glad we did. The clouds had moved out and the air clarity of the canyon was the best we had ever seen! Everything looked very sharp and crisp! Then we ran across a herd of elk. This bull was keeping a very watchful eye on his harem. We moved on when he started trumpeting. We had dinner at the cafeteria and welcomed the rest. After we got home Larry figured we had walked 7 miles. Thank goodness for ibuprofen is all I can say!

So I ran through my 179 pics really quick and here are a few. I have quite a few stunning ones! We have to get showered and tanks drained before it gets to dark so Larry can see what he is doing and he doesn’t freeze anything essential off!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...