Thursday, October 12, 2006

Har-Ber Village, Grove, OK 10-12

Rained overnight and was windy before we went to bed. It was in the low 40’s when we got up and crept out of the 40’s in the afternoon some time. Had to bring out old red. My winter coat. We had decided to stay here another night and go see Har-Ber village today. It was so cold I almost changed my mind, but I figured I had better get used to it. After breakfast we drove to the village. It was cloudy and cold and I was glad for my heavy coat.

It was only $3.50 a piece to get in and it was well worth that price! We have paid a lot more to see a whole lot less!

This was a very extensive antique collection and so wonderfully displayed. The Jones’ started the village in 1968. Bernice wanted a church down by the lake and Harvey built her one made of handmade bricks pre-civil war. The bricks were from three old fireplaces. They antiqued in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas with the intent of preserving as much as possible for future generations. They moved old cabins to the property and then have filled them, very tastefully with wonderful antiques. They also have huge display cases built displaying glass, pottery, and numerous other collectibles. It was all very impressive. We spent at least 3 hours there and the autumn flowers and decorations were fun. It is supposed to freeze tonight so many of the potted plants were being carted off to the plant barn. There were 116 collections from clothing and hatpins, to civil war era artifacts, and all the various offices that a typical 19th century town would have. Newspaper, doctors, dentist, attorney, barber, drug store, general store, dressmakers and more I am sure I am forgetting. The best collection of buggies and carriages we had every seen. It was lots of fun. The grounds are covered in big oaks and is on the shore of the Grand Lake O the Cherokee.

We had a wonderful lunch at the café on the premises. Best lunch I have had in years!

This part of Oklahoma is really beautiful and the people have all been nice. Could even live here...scary summer weather though sometimes!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...