Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dodge City, KS 10-17

Overcast this morning when we pulled out around 10:30. No sunshine today. Low clouds and misty rain most of the day. Not much wind, which is unusual for Kansas. We headed west on highway 50. The straightest shot we’ve had in awhile. Same highway all day and not winding around through towns. These windmills were east of Dodge City and when we first encountered them their tops were hidden in the low clouds

We found our RV park O.K., right next to train tracks of course, and the air is perfumed with eau d’cow. We traveled about 137 miles and got in around 1:30. There are huge feed lots 2 miles east of us and then right across the road from the feed lot is the end of the road for the hamburger on the hoof, a very large beef processing plant.

Dodge City has been such a huge part of American Western history, today it is just another busy metropolis, but the cattle industry even now is still very important here.

We drove outside DC to scope out Fort Dodge. Most all the buildings were built in 1867 and are still in use today. The fort is currently the Kansas Soldier’s Home and has been a home for soldiers since 1890. It was an interesting little settlement.

Then it was back home after a supply stop at Super Walmart. A very big ugly black cloud was looming over us, but we aren’t supposed to get any severe weather. Now with a very cold front dipping our way we are trying to decide if we need to change our planned route. We just don’t know how well the trailer will do down into the teens and we aren’t sure we really want to test it out. So we have a plan B now which has us dipping down into Texas or New Mexico instead of just heading west across the bottom of Colorado. I’ll keep you posted! ;-)

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...