Monday, October 09, 2006

Sallisaw, Oklahoma 10-9

Yesterday we left Ajax and headed north on I49 and then headed west on highway 84 into Texas. This part of Texas looked much like Louisiana of course. It started looking dryer and then we would run across a bayou. We then took highway 59 north to Jefferson and then we angled NW on another highway towards Omaha, TX. We traveled 167 miles. We stopped at a grocery store and finally found some decent apples and oranges. Our RV park was behind a motel, the sites were tight but they weren’t full so it was o.k. A train went by occasionally…of course. Ajax is the northeast corner of Texas.

We headed north on highway 259 and we were heading for Broken Bow, Oklahoma, which wasn’t very far, but the area sounded really pretty on the internet. The State Park there was actually a resort and after driving all the way over the mountain and back into the lake we decided to move on. We had to wait at least 20 minutes though for a man to back his 5th wheel into his site and he wasn’t doing very well. He didn’t follow instructions very well and he restarted at least 3 times. There was a troublesome tree but he just wouldn’t crank tight enough or straighten out when he should. After we got past him we discovered how full the campground was and there were just too many people so rather than driving around seeing if there was an open spot somewhere we hit the road.

Oh, so by now we are in Oklahoma. We headed north on 259 which ended and we picked up 59. It was a beautiful drive through the Ouachita National Forest. A few grades to go up and down and a couple switch backs. It was a beautiful day. In the low 80’s and clear skies.

We ended up traveling about 210 miles and are just 7 miles south of I40 near Sallisaw, Oklahoma. We are on the eastern edge, halfway up Oklahoma. The RV park we are in for the night is right on the highway, which isn’t horrible busy, but during the day they are doing road construction and it is noisy. Not any place we want to linger, so it will be on the road again tomorrow. Plus we didn’t like the way they slipped more fees into our rent for the night. Seems silly to quibble over a couple of bucks, but it adds up and it especially gets us when these places do it and it isn’t posted in their ad in the Passport America book. Passport America Parks are supposed to be half off the regular price, but a lot of parks add in stuff, like fees for electricity or other stuff that is basic, but most post it in the book so you can choose to deal with it or not. This just seemed sneaky.

Our target is Mesquite, Nevada, on October 29th, but if we don’t find somewhere to hang for a few days that is pretty and peaceful we might make it in time for the cruise! We are heading on up into Kansas and then into Colorado and Utah. As long as the fall weather holds we’ll be good. Winter is going to be a shock for us. We find we are cold now when it is 75, which is a warm, balmy day most any place in the winter.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...