Last night didn’t get as cold as predicted, but it still got into the low 40’s. The high today was 65 and it was a lovely sunny day.
From Grove we headed north on 59 to 69 through Miami, pronounced by the locals Miama. After crossing into Kansas we hooked up to highway 400 and headed west. We were heading to a little town called Fredonia, there was a Passport Park there, but upon finding it we went, nuh-uhh. The town was old and had a lot of historic buildings but the

We found a place to park in the little town of Eureka and had lunch. As we entered the next town of El Dorado we could see all these lovely old brick buildings and as we hit town all of them were churches and they were very large. El Dorado was good sized and very nice. We liked it a lot. There were some beautiful, large, historic homes. We took 196 which hooked us onto I-135 and then we headed west again on 50 to Halstead.
Kansas is the last new state for us for awhile. All over the place here are Osage Orange trees also known as Hedge Apples or Row Apples. The wood of these trees was the favorite for making bows. We have seen some things made with the wood and it is a

We plan on staying here at least until Sunday. We went through Halstead today and the whole main part of town had brick streets; pretty and very bumpy. Quite a lot to check

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