It was clouding up and the birds seemed to know they had to fill their tummies while they could. The robins were on the ground hunting worms and they were throwing leaves up into the air right and left, it was funny to watch. Later the bushes were alive with robins and cedar waxwings pigging out on the berries. Yesterday it was the deer...today I only saw one deer and it ran through. I was standing at the window talking on the phone and a male Anna's hummingbird flew up to the window to say hi. Startled me at first and then I was wild because his entire head was a flash of fuschia and orange...so very pretty. I have only seen females here until today. Outside it was so noisy with bird chatter and then after an hour or so....gone. The wind and rain started and the only thing moving were the leaves left on the trees...not a bird to be seen. Tonight we are having very big winds again and I am still not used to the house not shuddering and rocking after 6 years in the trailer.
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