Monday, December 13, 2010

Ta-Da 12-13

Yesterday I finally got around to making my tree topper.  A rare work of art that turned out perfectly for our tree.  A shiny bow covered toilet paper cardboard thingy....I rather like it and it cost nothing.

Today cousins Mike and Pat came over for a visit and to check out our new digs...they were wildly impressed and we had a great visit.  I made Pat walk to the top of the hill with me...sounds huge, but it isn't really....and gave her the tour.  Mike got his own personal tour with Larry.  We had home made turkey soup and champagne...not necessarily in that order. 

The resident deer made their appearance for our guests...though the 5 pointer didn't show.  We haven't seen him in a few days, though I'm not sure we'll know him after he drops his antlers.  There has been a buck around that looks like he has recently lost his...but he has been here at the same time so we know he isn't the 5'er.

Another wonderful Cool day....

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...