Sunday, December 05, 2010

More 12-5

More rain, more sun, more deer pictures...ha ha ha.

It rained last night but today we actually had a few hours of clear blue sky and sunshine.  I soaked up a few rays on the deck with my book until the clouds moved in and then it was back inside for me.  Larry hauled in our small box of Christmas decorations and our tree.  I don't have hooks so the decorating will have to wait until I get to Auburn...tomorrow or the next day maybe.

Late yesterday afternoon I got this picture of the 5er pulling berries off the coffeeberry by the truck from the window.  I noticed when I took his picture yesterday his left ear is hanging down and this right eye looks a little weepy, he must have rumbled with another buck.  I have only seen the young "spike" and not the 2 pronger in a day or two...maybe he was run off. 

We had the whole herd together  for quite awhile this afternoon hanging out.  We even had a truck of look-dee-loos stop to admire the buck and one guy circled around to get a picture of the buck.  The deer know us and hardly flick an ear when we go outside, but let someone else walk onto the property and they all go on alert and start moving out.

After dark tonight it started dumping rain again and the wind is gusting pretty good...I like these night time storms and then sun during the day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...