Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sunny Christmas Eve 12-24

What to do, what to do on the day before Christmas?  We entertained the idea of going down to the mall in Roseville and people watching.  We've done it before in some of the other places we've been at Christmas, it is fun seeing all the decorations and watching people finish their Christmas shopping, window shopping and being glad that we don't have to wait in those long lines with so many impatient people.

But the sun was out and with the past storms and the storms to come we decided to enjoy the day at home.  There was no breeze so we set off on our walk with no sweaters or jackets which was nice for a change and the sun was warm.  We spent another few lovely hours hanging out on the deck soaking up the rays.  Larry visited on the phone for a bit and I read a book.

Still small even with the telephoto.

After we got back from our walk I was looking up at the sky when finally I saw an eagle soaring above.  I knew they had to be around somewhere, but every time I've looked up it is usually vultures or hawks casting the shadow.  This one was high enough that I hadn't seen a shadow, I just happened to look up at the right time.  There was another one much higher up, but it was about the size of one of these commas here cruising around above.  I ran in to get my camera and change the lens to the telephoto which is only to 200mm, which isn't as strong as I would like, but I could definitely see it was an eagle after I zoomed in...though seeing the flashes of white at the head and tail and the shape of the wings I was pretty sure.  I noticed odd colorations on the undersides of its wings and after zooming in on the picture with the computer I could see the red spots.  I figured it must be some kind of tag, which a friend later confirmed.

We also finally settled on our paint color for the house.  Which turned out pretty funny.  We had been studying on the Kelly Moore premixed color chart for the past month.  We both picked the same color, but then thought it might be to dark or too something else.  Today we had the chart up on the side of the house and decided maybe it had too much red in it, so we thought about another color and then the chart hit the ground and we remembered that those colors looked green to us...blah, blah, blah...we were getting disgusted. 

Larry said something about the color of the house in Fallon.  I said it was a shame we didn't remember the name of the colors...he said how would that help and I said maybe it was Kelly Moore.  We had picked the colors when the house was being built so Larry looked for the paperwork and he came back and sure enough....the color we both picked initially was the exact same color of the house in Fallon, which we both loved.  It was a warm color and fresh looking and hard to see in the small chip we had next to all the other chips...but now knowing what it looked like on an entire house we are comfortable with our choice...woo hoo.  Cracks me up that neither one of us remembered that the paint on the house in Fallon was Kelly Moore until today.

I baked a yummy batch of scratch chocolate chip cookies and watched a Christmas movie and now I think I'll head to bed so Santa can show up :)  Merry Christmas!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...