I lost my passion for decorating the tree and house for Christmas when I had my business. I had to get the store decorated for the holidays at Thanksgiving and was in the swing of holiday shopping season and lacked the energy to care about decorating my home. I even gave up control of decorating the tree to our girls, something that I had never done before. Then the year after I closed the doors on my business we hit the road and there is no place for storing decorations in a trailer beyond what fit in a ziplock and I could then stuff in the back of my packed closet.
About two years ago after getting the house in Fallon out of the rental pool, after Christmas we had gone to Walmart in Reno and went bezerk with Christmas decorations at the after Christmas sale. We couldn’t believe how cheap we could get this large, pre-strung with lights tree for and we came home with it and LOTS of ornaments to decorate it with. We had in mind that we would be having the girls’ families to the house the next Christmas, but that didn’t happen when we up and sold the house last year in October. It has all been in storage…waiting, until we moved here.
So yesterday Larry dragged the tree box and the box of decorations from the shed into the house, but I needed hooks for the ornaments so we waited until today to set the tree up for the first time. I have to have time to build a plan in my head before I begin something. I get everything ready and laid out and then when inspiration strikes I go for it.
This morning Larry put together the tree. Larry puzzled over which piece went where, but hands down he liked this process better than going out and cutting a tree, or buying an already cut/expensive tree. We don’t have to worry about the heater vent blowing on it or keeping it from drying out. I may have to worry about toxic fumes versus smelling fir sap, but time will tell.
I was busy getting the branches un-squished from being in a box and getting them spread out and looking more relaxed and natural when Larry said give the tree a few glasses of wine and that would finish what I was doing much quicker. Then I couldn’t stop laughing…the jackass. Some of you might get what he was implying…the rest of you don’t worry about it….ha-ha-ha!
At the time of this posting it has garland wrapped around it and is awaiting the rest of the decorations. I have never been a garland person…I have eternally used that lovely, messy, shimmery silver tinsel, but I am trying to resist using that on this tree because it is always a mess to remove. So I put the garland we have on the tree and then we went into Auburn to get hooks to hang the ornaments with…I didn’t have any…and by the time we got back I lost my enthusiasm for decorating today….so tomorrow.
We had big wind and rain all night and part of this morning…over an inch of rain again, but at least these storms are warmer and more regular than that freakishly cold weather we had a few weeks ago. There were little water falls along many of the hillsides along 49 on the way to Auburn.
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