Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nice Day! 10-12

Another gorgeous day in paradise.  We went into Auburn and had breakfast at Mel's diner...very yummy, then onto Home Depot for a few things...then it was on down the highway to Roseville for returning stuff and shopping.  Found just the right curtains for the family room...yay!!!

Went into Barnes and Noble...wow, $19 for a CD, magazines over $10, and paperback book, $8....amazing how much all that stuff costs these days.  I haven't bought any of those things in over 5 years and when you don't pay attention the prices of things sneak on up.  I am afraid I am starting to sound in my head like an "oldtimer"...you know, "back in MY day that only cost...blah, blah, blah"....ha ha ha!

After we got home it was time to finally move our former teeny home out of the back yard and put it in it's storage place behind the shed.  It is almost perfect there for it, except for a few high tree branches above it that will be raining oak sap and leaves down onto it.

Larry is backing up the computer to the external drive so it really slows down the computer, so I will say a few things about the pictures I am posting here and not take the time to get it all to match up or I'll be here until morning.

The pineapple salvia has burst out in gorgeous red blooms that the hummers love, I was watering them this afternoon when I saw the praying mantis I put there to eat the aphids had caught a bee and was munching away on it...amazing to see...like the bee was a piece of corn on the cob.  And there is a picture of my skinny hunka hunka burning love man in here somewhere too.
No trailer!  Woo hoo!

RS Junior

Have taken out half the oleanders

A fall scarf, knit, seed stitch.

Glorious pineapple salvia

Mantis munching

The trailer looks like its hiding...doing a good job!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...