Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bye bye October 10-30

Not too much going on here...just usual stuff, truck maintenance, house maintenance, yard maintenance all they same things that most everyone is doing.  We got some stuff hung on the walls in the family room and today I ironed all the curtains in the family room and bedroom...I wanted to make sure I liked them before ironing them...a tip from the lady at the store.  Ironing them was a tedious chore, but what a huge difference it makes...I've seen those quick design shows on T.V. and when they don't iron the window treatments...ew.

Larry built three planter boxes for our garden and we spent a few days moving them around until we figured out how we wanted them he just has to plant them in the ground.  Those dirt mounds you see in the left of the picture will go into the boxes.  We still haven't figured out what we are doing with that area of circular sand.

I finally took the time to finish one of the watercolors that was begun back at a workshop in May.  I'm happy with it...not world class but I feel it is the best I've done to date so that's good.  It is watercolor and the tree and rocks were painted with a palette knife...very fun.

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