Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gorgeous Fall Days 10-10

Another gorgeously perfect day.  Larry returned from Marina, Ca. yesterday...he had left on Wednesday, the only time this year that the communications setup has left here.  Glad to have him back, though I did enjoy my time home alone...
Yesterday I cleaned house and figured out a plan for a project.  Today I made some phone calls and worked on the computer and helped Larry a bit with an annoying discovery.  There is a capped off waterpipe right in the driveway...the cap was flush with the surface covered with dirt and leaves and the pipe is only about 4 inches below and Larry only discovered it because driving over it with the truck caused it to start leaking.  So now we have to track that down and make it right.  People do weird and uncopacetic things....

The hummingbirds have gotten over being shy of us on the deck when they want to get to the flowers...twice Larry was buzzed and hovered over because they were annoyed that he was sitting so close to the flower pot....very funny to watch.

Lovely slanted early morning light!

The deer do not like our changing the landscape....we are getting all the oleanders (highly poisonous and massive roots that shouldn't be so near our water lines) out of here, which has given the deer cover from the street and you can tell they don't think to much of our decision.  They are going to like us even less when we get the fence back up around the trees and garden area.  Though for maintenance it would be nice if they would just go in and eat the fallen leaves and not nibble on every leaf within reach on branches and stems!  They have been eating the yellow leaves from the asian pear that fall to the ground each year we will just have to rake them and throw them over the fence for them to mulch for us.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...