Friday, October 08, 2010

In the Photo Zone 10-8

When I was shoe shopping earlier this week I spotted some slippers that got me thinking.  I decided I had to go back and get them and today proved my thinking was right!  They are tractor slippers (my term)...serious bottoms on them and warm because I just KNEW that I would get drawn outside and then off into the yard after a picture of something....

This morning the light was glorious and I ended up taking over 40 pictures in no time at all just while I was having my morning coffee...I would be done and then I would turn and there would be something else.  Tomorrow I will try and post a pictorial of my wanderings!

This blue jay buried an acorn next to the slab and was covering it with pebbles and leaves.

"How does it look?  Can it be seen?"

Here are several highlights!  It was a beautiful fall day.

"Are you looking at where I stashed that last acorn?  Don't be lookin' at me!"

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...