Monday, October 04, 2010

A few hours in town 10-4

Today I abandoned Larry...I drove across the river to the big city to SHOP!  It took a bit longer to get back and forth because they are doing shoulder maintenance along highway 49, so a long wait in line and then a slow creep following the pilot truck.  It is a slow windy road but I love the drive, it is really pretty and no hardship to sit and enjoy the view while waiting.  Larry was happy for me to give him radio checks from town so he could check the repeater he has up now. 

I went to the nursery first to pick up some bearded iris, daffodil bulbs and a few more salvia's...I found a few other bulbs I wanted to try too and I also got some muscari bulbs.  Then it was onto the shoe store and then the grocery store.  I had a nice time.

After getting home and getting all the groceries put away, after getting something to eat I worked on getting the new plants in the ground.  The quail didn't mind me being there and the deer saw me and took a detour around the house for their usual foray through the fruit trees...boy are they going to be surprised when Larry gets the fence back up.  We had a neighbors dog come say hi and Larry saw two different cats from somewhere exploring around today...the area pets are friendlier than their people so far...ha ha ha.

It was cloudy and cold this morning, but as the sun came out it warmed up to about 70.  We didn't get the bad rain that some areas received today, it was pleasant for my yard work...I didn't need a sweater.  Tomorrow I'll plant the daffodil and muscari bulbs...maybe :)

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Val, I am absolutely loving your pictures!! Don't you love the quail? Seeing them makes me more sure that I am going to defy the park rules about no bird feeders and scatter some seed for the quail that live around my new home. I also have a pair of 'resident' road runners that I have seen quite often.

To say I was disappointed about the bird feeder rules would be a huge understatement.....however, I'm thinking a bird bath might bring some in, plus the pots of flowers that I'm planning.



Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...