Sunday, October 03, 2010

Mostly pics 10-3

I told Larry today that this project has been kind of like childbirth....all the pain, sweat and back breaking work is a distant memory, mostly forgotten now when living every day with the results of all that hard work.

Today I repotted my houseplants was in the low 70's and overcast most all day...we even had a heavy rain for about 15 minutes this morning.  Then later I just walked around taking pictures of whatever caught my eye.  The black oaks are turning yellow and brown and the blue oaks are turning yellowish.  I was taking a close up picture of the lichens on the oak branches when I discovered the praying mantis...there are a lot of them around here and they are a bit unnerving when they turn those triangular little heads in your direction to look at you...creepy creatures.  The bee tree is just a bit below the house and when Larry mowed the weeds around the tree a few weeks ago he never even saw them so he was either really quick and or they weren't threatened...I kept my distance taking these pictures, don't want to anger them.  Then this evening during our relaxation on the front deck I got a few pictures of one of the hummingbirds....since it warmed up we have been seeing the hummers, dragonflies and bats again.  A gorgeous day it was!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...