Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cold and rainy day 10-23

A day of puttering around for us.  It was cloudy and rained a bit off and on.  I never even stuck my head out the door today...I was going to go to the store and then decided I didn't need potatoes or celery until day after tomorrow, so that was that.  Larry and I finally got our closet organized and everything put away.  I had a lovely two hour visit on the phone with my BFF Mary, chatted with my sister Lori too and that was about it...the highlight of my day.  I took a picture out of the window of this mama and her young'un....ahhhh, sweet.  I enjoyed watching from the windows the deer passing through, the quail scratching about and the hummer getting drinks from the flowers and one of the birdbaths...a lovely day.  It has rained off and on all day and pouring the last several hours.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...