Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back on the Grid 10-25

This was early, it actually got worse.
Sorry you had to miss me yesterday.  We had quite the big storm, it started Saturday night and continued all day Sunday and into Sunday night....big wind, drowning rain AND our power went out so we didn't even get to veg out in front of the T.V. all day.  The wind was 25 mph with gusts of 45-50 and by noonish we had already gotten 3 inches of rain...by the time it was finished Sunday night we had about 5 inches.  The power went out around 1300 hours and it didn't not come back on until 0330 this morning...that is a long time, so no internet, no blogging, no mindless television. 

Before dark Larry went out to check on the trailer and he discovered that the blocks under the front feet of the 5th wheel were sinking into the mud causing the trailer to list slightly...not good at all...our concern was that it would continue to sink with all the rain that was still to come....he put the tripod under the hitch just in case and it either helped or the trailer had just sunk as far as it was going to because it was fine this morning.

The deer were still roaming around in the storm.
This morning we were up early as we went to bed early last night.  Larry had to take the truck to the doctor...glow plug number seven to be replaced...one to go...the rat bastards won't replace them all at once so we get to take the truck into the dealership 8 different times, and take up a lot of our time as they fail...warrantied but still a pain.  I wandered around taking pictures of the fog and inhaled all that fresh wet trees smell.  Most of the water had disappeared and the air was just so fresh all day.

The rain makes the colors so saturated.
Later Larry went to the fire department and got his burn permit and spent the afternoon feeding the huge piles of oak limbs, fruit trees and oleander branches into the fire...it was amazing how much there was and it has been reduced to two piles of ash and now the hillside looks tidier...

Our illumination (I had lots more) and we read with flashlights.

Pictures from this morning:

I took scads of pictures today of birds and I'll share them later.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...