Sunday, May 31, 2009

WE ARE DONE!!! 5-31

We had a good steady rain last night for quite a few hours…smelled so good and washed all the dust off of everything. Larry likes to sit on the front porch when it storms to hear and smell the rain and to see the lightning…when there is any.

Larry was out bright and early finishing up the irrigation pipes that were going under the rock and got the last of the weed barrier down. I did a little tidying up around the house while I waited for ten a.m. to roll around. I went down to the nursery to order up 3 yards of rock and bought a couple of thyme plants. Our rock was being loaded up as I headed home.

In honor of it being the last day of shoveling rock I slathered up in sun block so I would stay a little cooler and stick it out until the end. The rock arrived about 10:30 and we got busy. The problem with the rain is it made our rock heavier…all the dust that sticks to the rocks was wet and in some places muddy…heavy. As we got going we weren’t sure if we were going to have enough…then we thought we would have some left over and as it turned out we had just enough! We finished shoveling and spreading most of the load in just an hour…the end was near and we wanted to be finished!

The weather co-operated…no big wind and there were white fluffy clouds floating around to block the sun which kept us from getting too hot and at 1:00 we were finished and everything was put away!! Wahooooooo! Then we sat and just looked at all our hard work and we liked the finished product…good thing after all that work…not like we were going to change anything.

It looks pretty barren and rocky…but the evergreens soften it up and keep your eye from traveling beyond to the fence and give us a little boundary. The plants will give us color and more texture as they mature and expand and they’ll smell good too. I planted Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme and the Russian Sage smells like sage of course and it will be a pleasant experience now to sit in the backyard in the early morning when it is cool and in the late afternoons and evenings after the sun gets behind the house. It has been fun watching the little finches and other birds enjoy our plants in the front yard already.

It was a sweaty, hard two weeks, but we are really happy with our design and execution and we did it with our own four hands! The process started May 2nd when we got the patio lined up and we wanted to be done by June and we did it! It is really nice to walk anywhere on our property and not be on dirt or mud and to know that we won’t be tracking those nasty goathead stickers into the house. As it was Larry got a flat tire on the wheelbarrow a couple days ago…from a goathead…they are just brutal stickers. The yards are pleasant to be in now.

As you can see in the pictures we had another day of thunderclouds, thunderstorms but we only got a few drips of rain…most of it was west of here today and then later east of us.

Hmmm, what will we do tomorrow?!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...