Wednesday, May 27, 2009

LOTS of rock and junipers planted 5-27

Yes Larry was out bright and early digging holes for the smaller plants. We had to make a Walmart run for more compost and snackies and then we were back at it and finished all the planting by one.

We had company coming, Larry’s Uncle Robert and Auntie Annie from Pahrump…we were looking forward to seeing them and getting a break. We had a really nice visit and got to enjoy our patio and our beautiful front yard.

This morning was our delivery and spreading of 77 cubic yards of “fines” for the perimeter of the backyard…we won’t have to deal with mud and it should really help keep down the weeds. Once it gets watered in and settles it is like concrete.

Our company left just after all that got started…next time they will stay longer.

So Larry did shovel work again and kept water on the fines as it was getting spread by the big loader. I watered after they were gone so Larry could work on fixing the rock. Before the guy operating the loader left, Larry had him scoop out holes for our five juniper trees. It was hard for his toothy bucket to break through the crust, but it took him about 5 minutes to do what would have taken us 5 days to do and probably a hospital bill for a crippled up digger man…Larry would have killed himself if he had dug those holes. The holes were way big looking but really the size that you should have when planting something large so their roots have an easier time getting established. The chunks of dry clay looked like stack stone for a wall.

Larry got the trailer put back in the yard, went and paid for today’s work and stopped at the store for gypsum and more compost for the trees. We forgot stakes to support the trees in the wind here and had to call all over the place before we finally found what we wanted. Larry ran off to get those and then later we went back out to order the last of our rock for the backyard…more Nevada Gold and it is coming on Friday afternoon.

After we got back from all the errands we got busy getting the Hollywood Junipers planted…they are very heavy and it was a lot of work getting the holes filled back in…by Larry, I operated the hose to fill the holes with water…we added gypsum and compost and we finally finished just before it got dark! They look great and we are going to be so happy with them…they smell really good too.

I think all my muscles are shot…Larry and I hobble around here like ancient people in the evening…which is why I am whipping this blog out quickly before I forget what we did today and yesterday! Laugh!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...