Monday, May 25, 2009

Digging & Planting 5-25

Boy is it ever easy to lose track of time when one is working one’s ass off. This morning seems like a week ago! We got started digging plant holes first thing this morning while it was still cool. Now the term digging doesn’t really apply here in this concrete for ground we have…Larry had to loosen the dirt for each hole with his five foot tall steel digging bar that is a workout in itself just lifting the thing and then we scooped the loosened dirt out of the hole with the shovel. Then we would fill the hole part way with water, soak the hard base with water and he would chisel some more. It took us five hours to dig 21 holes for one gallon size plants and get the plants planted.

Now for most people getting all the plants planted in the front yard would have been a good days work, but NOT for my Larry. After a couple hours rest he was back at it in the backyard. We took some time to figure out where we wanted the plants, I figured we would plant them tomorrow, but NOOOOoooooOOOOOOO, Larry decides to dig their holes too. I was done in, but decided I couldn’t let him do it all by himself so after he dug the holes I planted the plants, once it cooled off I got my second wind.

So for today Larry chiseled 37 holes out of this lovely clay soil, one would think that tomorrow he wouldn’t be able to lift his arms, but I’m sure that bright and early he’ll be out digging the holes for the rest of the plants…crazy man.

The front yard looks really great and we are already getting favorable comments about it from neighbors and people passing by. One lady asked if we would come design her yard…sure, Larry said…designing was the easy part. I can’t wait until the plants start growing and filling in the blank spaces, I’ll try to remember to post pictures in a month or two to keep you updated on its progress.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...