Friday, May 08, 2009

Big Truck and Mud 5-8

Today was a nice day…sunny, warm and just a light breeze. We had an early start…our patio concrete was being poured this morning.

Larry needed to get to the hardware store first thing for irrigation supplies and get back so he could get the trailer hooked up and pulled out of the yard.

The concrete showed up about 8:45 just as the crew finished forming up. You know your backyard is a big barren desert when the concrete mixer truck can just drive straight back into the center of the yard and be in position for pouring, BUT that is all changing with a lot of hard work.

By two the forms were off the patio and they sprayed it with a toxic smelling slime that allows it to cure slowly. The color was nice while wet, but as always concrete dries lighter so I’m waiting until it’s done drying before posting the finished picture…it wants to look pretty for its debut…!

Yesterday Larry was working on the irrigation system in the front yard while I went to one of the local nurseries for planting ideas. At one point while I was waiting for the lady that was helping me finish helping some other customers I had a lovely conversation with a man that is the father of someone I knew in Chester. Learned a lot from him…an interesting guy, was raised in Susanville and now lives in Fallon after having lived all over the place. It is amazing how small our world really is, we constantly seem to run into people that knew areas we’ve lived or people we’ve known etc.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...