Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Yard Work 5-28

Today was just more of the same…yard work. I planted the last of the plants we had bought and gave everything water a couple of times…it was hot and the wind came up which tried to dry all my new babies out.

Larry got the boxes for around the bases of the junipers built and in place and got the trees tied to their stakes. I soaked them really good again. They look very happy.

I didn’t take any pics today…I am just going to wait until it is all finished now before I post photos.

Tomorrow bright and early the bug exterminator is showing up to spray around the house…ants are everywhere outside and have been making investigative explorations into our house which I do not appreciate…so they MUST die…won’t hurt to keep out the spiders either…if they would just stay outside they could live. AND our last load of rock is arriving in the afternoon, so we are almost finished….can’t be soon enough for either one of us. We want to just sit around and enjoy it.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...