Saturday, May 30, 2009

Are we there yet? 5-30

I don’t remember when we have ever worked this hard for this long. Our eight yard pile of rock was all put into place yesterday afternoon and today. Many, many wheel barrows and lots of shoveling, we get started early while it is cool, but we don’t want to make a lot of noise much before seven. Larry was out first getting the last of his plastic and weed cloth spread out.

My shoulders burned the other day and I haven’t wanted to wear sunscreen…getting kind of rashy so I have been wearing my long sleeve lightweight denim shirt, my floppy garden hat and sunglasses….I must look a sight. Today though I felt like I was burning through my shirt so around 12:30 I quit helping. The sun is really intense here, but Larry just chugs along sweating and grunting away with nary a sunburn...

We had a really good dinner. I skinned a chicken and put it in the crockpot and stuffed it with an apple, onion, minced garlic and a large rosemary sprig, with more garlic, onion on the outside and coated in herb/garlic seasoning…it was really yummy.

We could tell part way through today that we needed MORE rock…jeez…but there were low spots that were needing to be thicker to make it look better, so about 3 more yards coming tomorrow…THEN we should be done. We planted four mugo pines in the rock and that should be the last planting for a good long time hopefully. All the plants are looking strong…not that I ever expect anything else…we do everything we can to give them a good start. Half the backyard is finished and it looks really nice. It is a different look for us, simple and rocky, but I think it will do really well for us with all the traveling we do.

Today’s thunderstorms took the sun away a little later today and just before dark we actually got a few drips of rain, followed by an actual rain that wet things down nicely. It smells so nice when it rains this time of year.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...