Thursday, June 14, 2007

Seth is 3 today! 6-14-07

Happy 3rd Birthday Seth!!!

Seth spent a couple hours with us while his Mom had a meeting at school. He was toting rocks in the “trunk” of his tricycle.

Later, after his nap and after dinner he got to open his birthday presents from his Mom and Dad. He was very excited about his helmet and pads and modeled them for us.

He was even more excited when he saw his new Spiderman Bicycle with training wheels. He is such a daredevil I suspect he won’t be needing those training wheels for very long. He was speeding all over the place, caught on how to brake and stop really quick and managed his first ride without a crash.

Saturday is his birthday party so you’ll being seeing more pictures later.


Anonymous said...

First, I loved the jogging story. I did that years ago with Bill & couldn't believe that my butt could jog in an opposite direction from my body! Great job Val.
Then there is that little daredevil Seth. I can't believe that he is only 3 and riding a bike. The only other person I know who did that was Cindy and she had the training wheels off within a week. That challenged Stephanie so she was riding a bike soon afterwords but she was still 5.
Glad you are enjoying those beautiful boys!

Anonymous said...

He's so cute!!! The boys have matching bikes now! Who's on his helmet?


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...