Monday, June 18, 2007

More Roses and Shopping 6-18-07

Yahoo, today I was virtually pain free, now I hope I can actually run more of the 3 miles tomorrow. It was sunny and windy all day today and in the mid-70’s, lovely for northern Oregon.

Today’s pictures are more from yesterday’s excursion at the Avery Park Rose Garden in Corvallis, and one of Michelle and Seth blowing bubbles on Saturday. Larry didn’t take any pictures today. He and Seth hung out here today while Michelle and I went Mall shopping in Salem today. Larry said he wished he had the camera when the maintenance man here let Seth sit on the little John Deere tractor and move all the levers (it wasn’t running). Seth thought sitting on the yellow seat was pretty cool. They played in the park and generally talked nonstop. Seth’s mother was like that at that age, nonstop jabbering about anything and everything. Another fun day!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...