Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jogging?!!!!??? 6-13-07

Today was a first for me… I jogged. Shocking…those of you who know me would agree. I guess I have become possessed or something. Larry has been talking about running again and how much he had liked it back when he was running 5 miles a day. I have NEVER liked it, not being able to breathe is an issue for me…smile. But we have been walking seriously for more than a few years and unless I wanted to take more time out of my busy schedule and start walking farther and farther every day I decided I would try and ramp it up.

I actually jogged more of the 3 miles than I figured I would, mostly because of Larry’s coaching. It’s a weird feeling for those of us who have never done it and are starting with “excess baggage”. All kinds of different places on my body were shaking up and down, not a pleasant feeling…I felt like something was chasing me. The first time I broke down into a walk I felt like, o.k. I tried it; but I wanted to give it a good go and prove that I could do it…heck I’ve seen people twice my age jogging, so I kept going. I would give my self points to jog to, and then we would walk. Once I stopped because I thought my legs were going to rubber out from under me, another time I couldn’t breathe and the last few times were because I felt like I was going to toss my cookies. I actually jogged more on the return leg than I had planned, but that was because Larry kept egging me on…I was not a pleasant student, I was counting the two trees I had to run to on my middle fingers. I did my 3 miles in 45 minutes…not too bad. It would have been better if I kept up a faster walking pace but when I broke out of the jog I tended to slow way down. My trainer said I had a good first effort. I stretched really well afterwards of course and I can still walk. I was clearing stuff out of my lungs that probably thought wouldn’t ever have been dislodged! Thank goodness I have never smoked! Sweat was pouring off of me (it was cloudy and cool…Thank God) and my face was as red as a tomato. I’m afraid to find out when we go again… tomorrow or the next day…tomorrow, I’m not to sure about!

After I recovered I drove downtown for my massage appointment, another Mother’s Day gift, this one from Michelle, which was wonderful after my first jogging experience. After that I walked through a couple Antique Stores and I found a red crackle glass piece for my collection. For some bizarre reason Larry had decided to walk towards downtown and I picked him up on my way home and we stopped at Target to get some birthday shopping done.

I actually had more energy the rest of the day than I expected. I thought I would be laid flat out after my exertion of the morning and my legs aren’t as sore as I expected. Darn it. I hate that exercise is good for me! I would prefer sitting around reading and eating chocolate being healthy!

No pictures today…me gasping for breath isn’t exactly pretty and stopping to take pictures of the stunning Dogwoods and flowers would mess up my time, not to mention carrying all that extra weight of the camera. Tee heeeee…

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...