Friday, June 15, 2007

Jogging day two 6-15-07

Jogging day two: I survived. I was sore and stiff still but determined to carry on even though it was raining lightly outside. I know it will get easier and less painful as I build up stamina and strength. Once I got loosened up the running parts were easier today. I was able to keep running for longer periods and as we went it actually started to feel better instead of the out of control way I felt day before yesterday. Today my body didn’t feel like some foreign vehicle. My goal of course is to get to where I run the whole three miles without walking, maybe before we leave here in two weeks…we’ll see.

I’m just sorry that to get fit we seem to have to go through some pain. So many of us are so afraid of pain that we don’t move our bodies at all and that is so unhealthy. Until my doctor told me that sometimes our bodies need a little help and that taking anti-inflammatory/pain relievers to help us deal with the discomfort while our bodies are readjusting I just thought I had to suffer and that I was just supposed to feel this crappy because I was getting “older”. I had climbed on that same road traveled by so many that if I have this much pain “there must be something wrong”! Balderdash I say to hobbling around feeling sorry for myself and like most things I do, I do that very well.

I read something a couple weeks ago that has stuck with me because I really think it is true. We are afraid of our bodies. We can’t see inside them and we don’t really understand how they work and we have drug companies and doctors telling us things so they can make a lot of money and like sheep we follow along. We seem to forget all of the stories we have heard of survival and know that the brain and heart are powerful things and we can overcome most anything if we put our minds to it! We have become afraid that our bodies are going to trick us…like it might get hit by a car, or it might die to early or it might get a dis-ease in it and because we don’t understand it we work really hard at distancing ourselves from it, which is really silly when we need it to house our souls and it lets us experience life. I am really coming to understand the importance of the unity between body, mind and soul. We need these magnificent bodies to follow our heart and minds direction. We should really be amazed with our bodies and really appreciate their strength, resilience and healing capabilities.

In spite of the pain and stiffness I am experiencing after my jogs I am feeling more energetic so I guess I’ll keep it up.

We had Seth hang with us for a couple hours today. He pesters his Mom from the time he wakes up to come over here…its nice being popular! He likes to ride his trike around here and collect rocks in his “trunk”. It is flat and paved so it’s great for him, we just have to run to keep up! He is so little he would be hard for drivers to see. It was cloudy but didn’t rain the rest of the day. After his Mom got here they had lunch and then they headed home.

We headed for Salem to Toys R Us to finish our birthday shopping. Seth’s birthday party is tomorrow. When our girls were small they had “slumber bags” that had their favorite characters on them, today’s versions are basically thin, overpriced “crap”, so Seth isn’t getting one of those from us. We were wanting to get him one, but found something else. We were right next to an Olive Garden so we had an early dinner. We remembered to split a meal and as always we were totally full when we were finished, we even split a dessert…lovely!

So another lovely day in Albany, Oregon. Pat, thanks for your comment, Larry busted a gut over your comment about your butt going in the opposite direction from the rest of your body!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring and motivating and plan on sharing with like minded friends.
Love You both.
Love Me


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...