Thursday, June 28, 2007

Carpet cleaning 6-28-07

I am still able to walk, all this pain and I somehow did it to myself! An elderly lady with a walker passed me today. I have a new respect for older, arthritic people…no wonder some of them are cranky. It is frustrating when your body isn’t doing how you want it to and then add pain to the equation…not fun.

It was cloudy and rainy today, a good day to clean our carpets! So that was the highlight of our day. It didn’t take very long. We had the windows open and the fantastic fans going. This was the first time we have cleaned them and they look really nice.

I hobbled with Larry through Target and the mall. After we got to the truck we sat and watched a Swift truck driver get himself out of a sticky situation. He didn’t make the turn right and almost took out a hunk of landscaping. We had more time to kill so we had a nice lunch at Red Robin. We love that place, but only get there maybe once a year…not exactly low-cal! Limped through Safeway for groceries and back in the truck just in time for the sky to open up and start pouring.

The carpet was pretty much dry so we got everything put away. I got some lovely new throw rugs at Target and now our nest is all fresh and new looking.

Tomorrow is jogging day, but I’m not sure if I’ll even manage walking the three miles. I may have to take another day or two off.. darn it. I am suspecting my new running shoes as the culprit.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...