Saturday, June 16, 2007

Birthday Party 6-16-07

Another cool, cloudy day in Oregon. We did our yoga this morning and I could actually do most all of it with very little moaning and groaning and I was pleasantly surprised. Today was better than the first day after running. Did the laundry and then headed over to Michelle and Darel’s. Today was Seth’s birthday party and they were having it in the park a few blocks from their home. The party was at three and Seth had a nap so it was a good day for him.

We headed back to Michelle’s around five and Seth played with his new stuff. Michelle made stupendous beef enchiladas for dinner, from scratch, all of it…sauce too. Yummy stuff. We had to give her some grief though…it is really easy to get her goat. By the time we had dinner Seth was on sensory overload. Bath after dinner and then we headed home.

It is still daylight up here way after nine p.m. which throws our evenings off. Hard to be thinking about showers and getting ready for bed when the sun is still shining.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...