Saturday, June 30, 2007

Last day in Albany 6-30-07

Yesterday was cloudy and gloomy all day. Larry went jogging without me. I could still barely walk, so I opted out of even trying to walk with him. We drove over to Corvallis to pick up Seth so he could spend another night with us. He hadn’t had a nap so he was in bed asleep by 8:30. He loves taking a bath in our teeny bathtub. The satellite was down most of the day so I couldn't post a blog.

Today was a stunning day. Clear and warm with a cooling breeze. Seth woke around 8 and we were off and running for the day. We took a little walk first thing around the RV park and then later I decided I would walk out to the park with the “guys”. I’m getting better, but it is going slower than I would like and the pain is just amazing. Makes a girl rethink this exercise business! I just have to build a little slower.

Seth and Larry had fun on the slide and then we walked on to the pond to see the ducks. Seth was slower than I was on the walk back and took some coaxing and a ride on Grampa’s shoulders to get him back. Then it was lunch and nap time. After nap it was time to play cars and then we loaded him and his mountain of stuff into the truck and headed back to his place.

We hung out until bath time and then we headed back home to rest and recover. Tomorrow we plan on hitting the road and heading south.


Anonymous said...

GO DAD!! Good to know that they boys' grandpa still has it in him. tee hee

Anonymous said...

Can't believe how big Seth is and that he has no problem spending the night with you guys.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...